
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

8 months

This post is a couple of days late, because I wanted to wait for our "official" weight and height from the appointment on today.

We had an extremely busy month. Grandpa Wallace was out in London for a work trip the very end of June, Dave had a work trip the beginning of July, then we went for 2 weeks to the States. We did a week with Dave's family (and our home church and friends) in California and then a week seeing my immediate and extended family in Wisconsin. 

It makes me so happy when Georgia gets to spend time with family ;-)

Weight: 18 pounds, 2 oz (50th percentile)
Height: 72.5 cm (28.5 in - above 90th percentile!)
Clothing size: some 6 months 6-9 months, and then mostly 9 or 12 month
Diaper size: 4 in the UK

bathtime beauty

Georgia has bloomed overnight. She has become a happy child (not that she wasn't before), and laughs a lot and smiles at everyone. It is so fun to see her personality! She tries to communicate with us by "talking" and fake-coughing, mimicking what Dave and I do. She also says something that sounds strangely like, "hi, dada!" She loves other kids, and will scream when she sees them, flaps her arms and tries to reach them. 

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Georgia's first picture sitting, 4th of July weekend
That's right! She finally learned how to sit on her own!

This is a common face we see, it makes me anxious for her teenage years

She loves to eat! (solids, that is!). She loves American cheese (we haven't convinced her on the British stuff yet, but then again, we don't like it that much either), refried beans, rice (and she LOVED some spicy Indian rice she had the other night), bread and potatoes. When she's in the mood, she'll eat yogurt, baby food, raisins, bananas, and other fruit and veggies.

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Still going, but unsure how much longer I can keep up. She has been unwilling to nurse during the day and instead wakes up 3 times to eat at night. I am tired, and she is hungry during the day. I'm not sure how to solve this problem, but hoping that as she gets older she'll need less nursing and more solids and it can take care of itself.

She is still loving her sleep! She takes 3 pretty regular naps a day, and goes to bed around 8pm, waking up between 7 and 8. She takes her first nap about two hours after she wakes up, her second one is around 12 or 1pm and her third one is around 3 or 4.
She loves making noise, so a metal bowl was perfect for banging on. She also had some spoons/measuring cups that she could play with.

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She eats anything she can get her hands on, including pinecones at the park.

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Her favorite thing in the world: walking

Activity: She loves playing with other kids. She watches them, yells at them, tries to touch them (or poke them), and is basically a big bully. She loves walking (with help), and this is her preferred method of transportation. She will roll and scoot her way around, and she also gets up on all fours, but can only rock back and forth. She loves playing peek-a-boo. She loves reading books. Her favorite books are a picture book I made that shows pictures of our family, and the other book is a Dr. Seuss book (for little kids). We read each of those books every day.

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Picture in California, Grandma Wallace reading to Georgia before bed

1 comment:

Judy Bonnell said...

Georgia is an absolute adorable baby! I really enjoy your pictures and comments. I LOVE the bath time picture, it belongs on a magazine cover!!!
Sounds like you are enjoying being a mommy!!!